One of the many benefits of living in the internet age is the proliferation of blogs to be found covering subjects from accountancy to zoology and all points in between. Here at Brown Earth Landscapes, we keep up to date with all things gardening-related via a number of interesting blogs. Here are some of our favourites.
The Anxious Gardener (
Some of the best gardening blogs, and indeed blogs about all subjects, are written in a modest and occasionally self-deprecating way, and The Anxious Gardener is no exception. Written by David Marsden, a self-employed gardener working in Sussex, it offers regular updates on progress made in the gardens he works in as well as on the wildlife that comes up to say hello. Some of the photographs David posts are particularly eye-catching. The blog is charming, well-presented and pleasingly honest about the challenges he faces.
Growing With Plants (
Although written in the United States, we see many similarities between stories told in this blog and our own experiences of landscape gardening in Scotland. Creator Matt Mattus has a full-time job working for US toy giant Hasbro, but one look at his blog is enough to convince you that his love of gardening is very real indeed. Growing With Plants gives comprehensive details of a fascinating range of horticultural projects as well as his many travels. Mat has more than 3,500 dedicated followers on Twitter.
Real Men Sow (
There’s something wonderful about traditional British allotments, and the people who keep them going. Real Men Sow offers tales about growing vegetables, composting, saving money and generally having a good time in an Essex allotment. Creator Jono offers a humorous insight into what he calls allotmenteering, and his efforts to transfer his allotment skills to his own garden. If you’re thinking about turning a plain garden into a growing area, read his Patch from Scratch piece ( first.
Brown Earth Landscapes are based in Perth and Kinross and have been providing expert landscaping in Scotland for many years. To find out more, call 01250 884 342 soon. We look forward to hearing from you.