We’ve all become increasingly aware of the need to provide more protection to the environment in recent times, and while the majority of the pressure to do something is focussed on governments and businesses, we can all do our little bit as well. That includes the gardener, and you might be surprised to know it’s relatively easy to make your garden more eco-friendly.
One of the easiest steps you can take is to plant a tree or two if you have space. Trees not only look beautiful, they also absorb harmful carbon emissions as well. Each individual mature tree can remove around 48 pounds of carbon in a year, so even if only a small minority of gardeners do this the benefits for us all are obvious. And if you did it, you’d also have the plus point of an attractive addition to your area.
And then, of course, you could be doing more for the local wildlife. Any small change can help in a major way, especially in areas where urbanisation has had an effect on the lives of birds, insects, rodents and more. The good news is that little changes in even the smallest of gardens can make matters so much better for wildlife, changes that can cost you nothing at all financially. And if you’re looking to make major changes, call on the services of those who offer the type of garden design Perth home-owners can trust.
Don’t throw away, utilise!
Next time you have a tidy-up in your garden, instead of throwing away old sticks, twigs and leaves, simply move them under bushes and close to fences in order to provide a refuge for various creatures. Another great way to make the area more nature-friendly is to introduce woodland flowers such as foxgloves and bluebells, especially under trees. Frogs and slow-worms are particularly fond of them.
Needless to say, the local bird population needs all the help it can get these days, and making your garden a haven for our feathered friends is easy. You can make bird feeders from oranges or pine cones, for example, and if you were to install a bird box in your garden you might be able to attract more permanent visitors. Bird tables and bird feeders are also a good idea.
Finally, our gardens can become a magnet for those all-important pollinators. Butterflies, moths and hoverflies need so much in the way of help, and of course the decrease in the UK’s bee population is a major cause for concern. Planting a variety of nectar-rich flowers will attract bees throughout the spring and summer, so consider the likes of coneflower, bluebell, hyacinth, lavender and honeysuckle.