It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of colour in an outdoor setting, whether we’re talking about a cosy urban garden or an expansive open space. Some prefer a subtle little splash of various shades here and there, while others would far rather go bold and beautiful with a riot of colours throughout the area.
It perhaps goes without saying that the option you choose will depend entirely on your own individual tastes – there are no right or wrong answers in this matter. Here at Brown Earth Landscapes, we’re always happy to offer advice and guidance, not to mention opinions, but we also recognise the importance of a client having a garden that ticks all their personal boxes right from the start.
There are so many different bulbs which can add the colours you crave, and which can then in turn create the effect you seek. Martagon lilies are highly attractive without being too overpowering, and offer a delightful pink-purple colour that stands out from the crowd. They are a popular choice with gardeners, and it’s easy to see why.
Falling in love with lilies
Another option for lovers of the lily is lilium longiflorum, also known as the Easter lily. Its flowers are trumpet-shaped, delightfully fragrant and generally white in colour. Originally from Taiwan and parts of Japan, it’s a popular choice for both small and large gardens, and it particularly likes to be in the sunshine whenever possible.
When it comes to garden design Scotland can provide an interesting set of challenges, especially perhaps in regard to terrain and climate. Naturalising an area is important, and we often use Camassia, a member of the asparagus family that’s native to North America. These perennials flower in early spring, and give any garden a lovely pale lilac-blue splash.
If you’re looking to bring a little colour in late summer to a particularly sunny spot, Nerine is an excellent option. Sometimes known as a Guernsey lily or Jersey lily, it offers delicate shades of pink, white and crimson, bringing an eye-catching contrast to the expanses of green that surround it. In August and September, it can make a welcome addition to any garden design.
Brown Earth Landscapes specialise in landscape gardening in Scotland, and have created a wide variety of excellent gardens and open spaces throughout the region. Contact us today on 01250 884 342 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.