The crucial subject of health and safety in the garden

Gardens can be enjoyed by everybody, of course, from the youngest to the oldest and all points in between. And although we tend to think of gardens as peaceful, tranquil sanctuaries well away from the daily hustle and bustle, there are potential risks to safety that need to be taken seriously. If you haven’t thought much about this subject in the past, here’s a gentle reminder of things that can – and unfortunately do – go wrong.

The insect population

There’s nothing more pleasant than an afternoon of relaxation in the garden, and the sights and sounds of the creatures that are found there can create a wonderful backdrop to the experience. As always, however, there’s a risk of harm that you should be aware of. Be careful with bees, wasps, hornets and such, for example, especially if you are disturbing their habitat. If you have children, make sure they understand the potential dangers.

The flora and fauna

For the majority of people, plants are generally harmful, but of course there are some of us who can suffer from allergic reactions. Coming into contact with some plants can trigger a variety of painful outcomes. Skin irritation from the likes of monkshood, viper’s bugloss, philodendron and even the seemingly humble chrysanthemum can be very painful. It’s a good idea to make all garden visitors aware of potential issues.

The local wildlife

Here in the UK, we don’t have too many potentially dangerous animals, but of course some can cause problems. Small children in particular can be inadvertently harmed by birds, hedgehogs, frogs and more, so make sure the little ones don’t disturb any creatures. Animal faeces, including those from domestic dogs and cats, can also be a source of harm.

The chemicals you use

Just as they are in other parts of the house and elsewhere, chemicals can be extremely dangerous. Take one look in your local garden centre and you’ll see a wide variety of potentially dangerous chemicals, including weedkillers, pesticides, herbicides and more. Make sure you use these carefully, and always keep them well away from children and pets.

The surfaces

Here at Brown Earth Landscapes, like all garden designers in Scotland, we’re obviously very experienced in working in all kinds of weather conditions, but we never lose sight of just how dangerous the ground itself can be. Slippery pathways in wet weather, for example, need to be negotiated with care, and the soil itself can also represent a hazard. We urge all of our clients to be extra careful when the surfaces are wet or icy.


Brown Earth Landscapes specialise in the best garden design Perth and Kinross can offer. To find out more about our services, please drop us a line at [email protected] or call 01250 884 342 today. We hope to hear from you soon.