Get your garden ready for summer

A neat lawn is a joy to see in a British summer garden, so it’s a good idea to make sure yours is in top shape. You may need to re-seed some areas if there are weeds growing there. Aerate and scratch the soil, then cut back the grass to about 1 cm high. Don’t […]

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It’s April, so let’s get planting!

While other months are named after numbers (September, October, November, December), ancient gods and goddesses (January, March May, June) and Roman leaders (July, August), one, and only one, is named after the Latin word meaning ‘to open’. April, one of the favourite months of gardeners across the UK, gets its title from the word aperire, […]

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Making your garden more eco-friendly

We’ve all become increasingly aware of the need to provide more protection to the environment in recent times, and while the majority of the pressure to do something is focussed on governments and businesses, we can all do our little bit as well. That includes the gardener, and you might be surprised to know it’s […]

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The sheer bliss of the Chelsea Flower Show

In the gardening world, few things are more iconic than the Chelsea Flower Show. This fabulous event attracts visitors and exhibitors from across the globe, and continues to amaze, delight and inspire. The most recent show was held in September 2021, and it was particularly poignant (and greatly anticipated) after the cancellation in 2020 due […]

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Give the birds a helping hand in the colder months

There are times, especially, during the harsh winter conditions, when the local bird population could do with a helping hand from us. Heavy rain, major snowfalls and plunging temperatures can all combine to reduce the availability of their usual sources of food, making the colder season a difficult ordeal for them all.   Whether you […]

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Beauty and colour in the merry, merry month of May

There are plenty of landscape gardeners in Scotland who will tell you that May is in many ways the best month of them all. This is that wonderful time of year when there are so many possibilities in the air. The weather is changing, the days are longer, optimism is high and gardens can be […]

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Winter garden design Perth home-owners can trust

As leading garden designers in Scotland, we at Brown Earth Landscapes are all too aware of how winter can affect your outside spaces. It’s often the case that January and February prove to be the coldest months of all in the UK, and for gardeners this is the time of year for taking stock of […]

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Protect your much-loved garden in the colder months

    Despite the upheavals caused by Covid-19, especially in the way we live our everyday lives, in our gardens one season inevitably follows another in much the same way as always. Summer is at an end now and we’re already adjusting to autumn, just as we did last year and just as we all […]

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Splashes of Colour to Make Your August Awesome

  The Covid-19 situation has had a dramatic effect on all of us in recent months, changing the way we interact, the way we work and the way we socialise. For many, it’s been a bleak period, one that has brought very little in the way of pleasure. For those who work in garden design, […]

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Bold, beautiful and brilliant – welcome to the bluebell season!

  In the early weeks of spring, there are few sights lovelier than a carpet of glorious bluebells. These fabulous perennials can make areas of your garden really stand out, and when they flower in April or May it can be as though the area itself is waking up to the onset of the warmer […]

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